Leemhuis Legal, PLLC, is organized as a Pennsylvania benefit company. Benefit companies are similar to other for-profit businesses in that they are operated to make a profit. However, benefit companies are fundamentally different from other for-profit businesses. A benefit company must, at a minimum, be operated for the general public benefit and may be for a specific public benefit meaning it must have “a material positive impact on society and the environment, taken as a whole and assessed against a third-party standard”. Leemhuis Legal, PLLC is organized to operate in a socially and environmentally responsible manner.
Leemhuis Legal, PLLC, is organized as a benefit company to align the structure of the business with its mission and purpose. We intend to measure our performance against the third-party standard developed by B Labs.
To begin, Leemhuis Legal, PLLC has taken, or will take, the following actions relative to important social impact areas:
John Leemhuis, Jr. is active in the Erie community, and in particular, with Presque Isle State Park. He has devoted countless hours over his career serving on the boards of directors of Presque Isle Partnership and the Tom Ridge Environmental Center Foundation. He formed each of these nonprofit organizations (as well as the Regional Science Consortium), developed and prepared their governance documents and has been an active member of those organizations while on their boards. Presently, he serves as the board chair of the TREC Foundation, where he has led the organization through changes in leadership, running job searches and interviews, and facilitating work at the board level to redefine the organizations purpose, vision, and mission. The work has all been done on a pro bono basis.
Attorney Leemhuis participates in the Erie County Bar Association’s pro bono program. In addition, he provides discounted legal services to a number of groups including members of the Erie Technology Institute and graduates of the Satya Yoga Center.
Leemhuis Legal, PLLC is transitioning to operate a paperless office, first reducing, and then potentially eliminating the use of paper. The company leverages current technology to move in this direction. Current waste at the office is recycled.
Leemhuis Legal, PLLC is organized as a Pennsylvania benefit company to create general social good. This purpose is set forth in its certificate of organization as well as its operating agreement. The company has also adopted Social and Environmental Policies to institutionalize its purpose and actions.